Here is how you can make an adapter that will allow you to program computers in-place on a SolderlessBreadboard.
- Perfboard stock, fiberglass, plated-through holes. You will need to cut a small square of this that has a 4x6 array of holes. See CuttingFiberglass.
- Square-pin header stock, wire-wrap length. This comes in 2xN lenghts. You will need one 2x3 piece and two 1x4 pieces. You can cut the plastic spacer to make the 1x4 pieces from a 2x4 piece if you squeeze the pins and cut the full lenght with an xacto knife in multiple strokes.
- #xx wire-wrap wire, yyyy insulation. You will need to do some fine soldering work to make this adapter. Its worth mastering the InsulationMelt soldering technique that is possible with this wire.
- Insert the pins and tack into place. You can plug the connector into a breadboard now to hold pins in the proper position. Solder all pins into place with just enough solder to flow into the plated-through holes.
- Wire the connector making the connections shown here. Run the shortest wires first. Don't run wires between the pins (we show this only for diagram clarity) route the long way around.
- Optionally add some fast epoxy to give the board extra strength.
- Use an ohm meter to test that desired pins are connected and that there are no unwanted shorts between other pins.
- Test with a real part. Connect a ribbon cable to isp-6in on the stk500. Launch the stk500 software. Use it to read the part type bytes.